Tuesday, September 15, 2015


Who We AreWe are a young radio communication equipment design company dedicated to creating the reliable, simple products and excellent operational experience for users. The company Sam Radios Ltd. is founded by 3 co-founders who with long term products design and sales experience in radio communication industry. Our vision is bring the convenient and reliable radio communications into more and more businesses and social activities, improving collaboration effieciency and fulfill the mandate better. 

Our Faith &  Culture
We have a definite idea that who we are and how we approach thing. Despite what others may be doing, we actively keep doing the right things and doing the things right. Based on the principle of simplicity and reliability, this philosophy is intergral to each and every one of our products.

We look at the quality as the most basic attribute, it is a joke that when a company says they have "quality" products. Our products are with "5S" attributes: 
- simple
- safe
- satisfactory
- superior
- saleable

Unlike tradional Chinese company, we have no strict hierarchy, every employee is equial, every one of the colleagues are our partners.

We advocate innovation, fast and open culture. We hate lengthy meetings and processes, play to their creative partnership type of work in relaxed atmosphere.

Not only do we have a passionate team but we all have the same attitude: relentless pursuit of perfection and fast action. So we constanly refine and eahance what makes the best products and user experience possible.

We are also a team that is fearless when it comes to trying out new concepts that break tradition and push boundaries.

Sam Radios Ltd.
Tel: +86-595-86713710
Fax: +86-595-86713712
Web: www.samradios.com
Email: wiki
Company No.: 1626283, registered in Fujian, China

Add:Daxiamei Industrial Park, Nan'an, Quanzhou, Fujian, 362331, China

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